產品名稱 : 工業用空氣管
材質 : 玻璃纖維、內層螺旋狀鋼絲、尼龍線、矽橡膠
用途別 :
管件有相當大的彈性 , 可以廣泛運用於各種環境 , 如 高溫煙霧控制、化學氣體環境、油氣環境、塑膠射出工廠、空間環境清潔、焊接、農業、電纜代工工廠。 為先進塑膠技術製成,高彈性、抗高溫、抗磨損以及化學物質。 可以任意裁剪長短 , 有最佳的伸縮性及彎曲性 , 可收縮或彎曲成您所需的形狀。 伸縮或轉彎時 , 絕不斷裂 , 易安裝於橢圓形或圓形叉嘴上 , 高張力鋼線製成,用於高壓抽送風時絕不斷裂。
一般工作溫度-55ordmC ~260ordmC。瞬間耐溫至300ordmC
Flex ducting one layer
Tubes made of one layer of glass fabric with silicone coated with steel wire spiral visible inside the tube
It works properly between -55ordmC 260ordmC. For short periods of time up to 300ordmC.
Hot air extraction in ceramic kilns.
Airplanehelicopter cockpit heating.
Ventilation air-conditioning in boats.
Fume extraction from a point inmediately close to the ejection area.
Air condition in areas with high outside temperatures
Protection of electric cables passing through extremely hot areas.
Covering of pipework transporting hot air.
Different diameters manufacturated among 25 300mm.
Length of manufacture: 8or 12, depending on the diameter.
Technical characteristics
High resistance to heat, especially gas at high temperature.
Protection of electric cables passing through extremely hot areas.