Mission Statement
To develop affordable, ergonomic products for an enhanced quality of life.
Corporate philosophy
In this modern era, technology can no long fixate on the need for economic gain or convenience, but focus on subjects of green energy and environmental sustainability in order to retain our beautiful world for future generations. With the humanity's spirit for improving the environment in mind, Saint Global obtained the exclusive patent of Ultrafine Conductive Heating Fabric, in hope to benefit out lives with more efficient and energy saving green products; in addition, we strive to introduce zero-pollution low energy products on the industrial platform. It is also our goal to bring low energy requirement, high efficiency products to the mass consumer market, to improve quality of life and our environment. We wish to accommodate conveniences of life along with the spirit of sustainability, stand on the balance of living comforts and environment issues, to fulfill humanity's responsibly to protect our earth.
地 址: 台北市內湖區瑞光路258巷2號1樓
工 廠: 桃園市觀音區(觀音工業區)
網 址:
- 營業性質:
- 製造商
- 產業類別:
- 其他布料
- 主要商品服務:
- Portable Type 可攜式 & Underfloor Heating 定著式
Applicable: Can be integrated with different types of fiber.
Safer: Depend on size, using DC5V to DC48V voltage and with temperature control.
Comfortable: Distributed heating raises room temperature immediately and evenly.
應用: 運用不同纖維混紡成多種紡織用紗,再紡織多種布料。
安全: 可依產品尺寸大小不同使用低電壓(DC5~48V)、小電流,因此無電磁波及觸電之安全顧慮。
舒適: 可立即與均衡的提升室內溫度。