The Meeting Point (TMP) concept originated from a group of young people looking for a place where they could meet and hang out while enjoying restaurant quality food and drinks. TMP incorporates modern restaurant design combined with historical building structure, giving customers a refreshing feeling and a sense of belonging.
You will be impressed by the various dainty dishes created by our chefs, inspired by traditional Taiwanese cuisine with a dash of Japanese infusion. True to its name, TMP also holds regular events and networking functions for young people to meet and have fun in a relaxed atmosphere. If you like to join our mailing list for latest information, please email us at
甲乙丙丁的設想源自於一群年輕人渴望有一個地方可以見面和聚會,同時又能享受到餐廳品質的美食和飲料。其中文名字的由來是指路人甲乙丙丁從陌生到相識,相聚的一個過程。甲乙丙丁採用了現代的裝修風格結合古老的建築結構,不但給人一種耳目一新的感覺而且讓人感到有種歸宿感。受到傳統台灣小吃的啓發並注入一些日式的元素,你會被我們廚師精心製作的菜餚所打動。顧名思義,甲乙丙丁还將定期為年輕人舉辦一些活動,為大家提供娛樂和結識新朋友的機會。如有興趣了解我們的活動詳情, 請發郵件到
- 營業性質:
- 服務業
- 主要商品服務:
- 台式涮涮鍋,台灣傳統小吃,簡餐及飲料等