近年來,「觀光產業」一詞常被國際間引為社經活絡觀測指標,值此日趨多元的觀光活動暨面對全球觀光市場轉移時勢,在因應開放大陸觀光部分,本公司積極參與海峽兩岸旅展活動,又為開拓東南亞觀光客源,除每年組團協助政府至印尼國推展臺灣旅遊外,亦於2007年間協辦在台灣地區辦理的第九屆亞太保險理財大會. 2009年榮獲交通部觀光局領發接待國際旅客有功旅行社獎,另為儘速獲取最完善、最便捷國際旅遊訊息平台,本公司取得IATA國際航空運輸協會及多項旅遊協會會員資格,以適時提供臺灣觀光旅遊資訊並便利全球觀光客來台旅遊資訊及服務,冀望掌握旅遊新動向,滿足消費者的需求。
天天旅行社最初經營範疇係以國外旅客來台旅遊、食宿安排的INBOUND業務為主軸,由於用心經營,客源大致以東南亞、日本及美國地區為主,其中以印尼國居冠,在市場占有率達80%,並逐步以出國旅遊、國內外票務的OUTBOUND業務拓展,目前本公司的營業項目臚列如下: 一、接受委託代售國內外海、陸、空運輸事業客票或旅客購買國內外客票。 二、接受旅客委託代辦出入境及簽證。 三、接待國內外觀光旅客及安排旅遊、食宿、導遊。 四、組團出國觀光旅遊,安排食宿及提供相關服務。 五、代理代訂世界各地旅館及渡假村。
Daily Travel Service Company (Daily Tour) was established in 1974. The main office is located on Chongqing S. Rd at the nerve center of Taipei business district, with two branch offices at Makung City, Penghu and Jakarta, Indonesia to serve the domestic and overseas market. Daily Tour has been running successful travel business for more than 30 years with our great enthusiasm, honesty, and quality of services. Our company is not only been trusted by our customers, but also reputed as an excellent tour operator by other travel agencies in Taiwan.
Recently, “Tourism Industry” has been identified as a great influence on local economy by many national policy makers. Therefore, to promote tourism business in Taiwan, the government removed the interdiction of tourists from Mainland China in July, 2008. Daily Tour responded to this policy change promptly and participated actively in each major travel exposition in either Mainland China or Taiwan area. Furthermore, to expand the tourism market in Southeastern Asia, Daily Tour has assisted the Taiwan Tourism Bureau in organizing the annual Taiwanese travel fairs in Indonesia every year since 2001. In 2007, Daily Tour was honored to be the only official tourist agency in the 9th APLIC (Asia Pacific Life Insurance Congress) in Taipei. Recently, Daily Tour has been awarded as the most Outstanding Tourism Professional Award 2009 by the ministry of transportation & tourism. Daily Tour is also a member of IATA (International Air Transport Association) and many tourism associations to provide the most thorough and fastest traveling information and services to our customers. Our company will always foresee the latest travel market’s trend and fulfill our customer’s demands.
Daily Tour entered into travel business as a tour operator, and began handling mainly the inbound tour groups from Southeast Asia, Japan, America, especially Indonesia among them. Daily Tour has been specialized in dealing with Indonesian tour groups that it has almost 80% of Indonesian outgoing market to Taiwan. Daily Tour is also expanding the outbound traveling business to provide services for the domestic customers. Our major service items include: 1.Travel ticketing for air, sea, and land for domestic and abroad. 2.Applying visa and necessary documenting for traveling. 3.Tour operation for FITs or Groups, domestic and abroad. 4.Provide and sell group tour package of our own and of other agents’. 5.Sales representative of international hotels and resorts.
With the global market changes and increasing tourist population, domestic and abroad travel business is more promising. Daily Tour insists on our high quality services and provides unique tour products to cater to the requirements of our domestic and foreign customers. Our vision is to create a brand new image and to build an “outstanding” traveling environment for Taiwan.
- 營業性質:
- 服務業
- 產業類別:
- 旅遊服務、國外旅遊、旅行社、國內旅遊
- 主要商品服務:
- 目前本公司的營業項目臚列如下: