Aston Tech Ltd. is a Taiwan based supplier and manufacturer of machinery parts fpaper manufacturing, package rubber industries and other web–converting application.Established by a group of professionals experienced in mechanical parts.Aston always aims to provide a superiproduct at a reasonable price with excellence service to our customers while maintaining the highest professional standards.
Product lines of Aston mainly focus pneumatic component and motion control products.It includes a variety of customized air shafts / air chucks / safety chucks, powder brakes / clutches, pneumatic brakes / clutches, edge position control systems/EPC,re–winding/unwinding systems, tension control systems, web inspection systems, wrinkle removing roll and accessories.
Aston is more than delighted to welcome inquiries from all customers. Our service team of dedicated professionals is always standing by to provide the full support and best service. Hope this is the beginning of a wonderful satisfaction fcustomers contact Aston.
- 營業性質:
- 進出口貿易商、批發商、零售商
- 產業類別:
- 其他、減速機.變速機
- 主要商品服務:
- 亞仕同科技 專注於捲對捲收放領域 產品包含氣壓剎車/離合器, 安全夾頭, 張力控制器, 對邊機, 產品行銷台灣歐美東南亞