



Maxt Inc. not only manufacture and customize the embedded system based on customer’s requirement , but also through our own developed Signage SW , Self-Services Kiosk application SW , and back-end management to create the specific value added solution fDigital Signage application and Self-service ordering application within Food & Beverage industry.

Maxt Inc. (Multiple Applications eXpress Technology Inc.) was found by 4 professional people in 2012 , The company primary objective is to build a premier embedded system with our passion and endeavto advance the technologies in the fields of Digital Signage and Smart Retailing Solutions.

Together the team wealth of experience in the electronics and software industries with over 30 years of IT industries experience in the embedded system market. Maxt Inc implement the latest cutting edge technologies and commit to deliver the best-in-class Signage and Smart Retailing Solutions in the world , and through the professional services we provided , Maxt Inc solutions can benefit her customers a better way to deliver the need information communication and significant improvement fretailing industry operation.

Consider the market trend and fulfill customers’ demands, Maxtinc focus on the embedded system and related applications. We initiative and follow the market demands to develop various products/solutions to support customer’s delivery of their own embedded applications. As a leading technology provider, we achieve this by providing superiquality and cost effective solution four partners around the world.

Maxtinc provides the products, solutions and related services including

Embedded System Hardware / SBC – Single Boards Computing, from Intel entry-level embedded system to high-end Intel Core i embedded system providing fvarious industry M/B form factors.

Embedded System Hardware / Box PC – Providing overall integration embedded system including Slim Box PC , fan-less design Book size PC , All-in-One Panel PC and Kiosks fvarious embedded applications such as digital signage, industry automation, transportation, Health Care ,… etc. Our Embedded system can support from Intel entry-level Baytrail processto high end Intel core i processor.

Digital Signage Solution – Combined the world class signage software and related embedded system as the turnkey solution famazing digital signage experiences delivery.



Maxt Inc. is the innovative solution provider in the embedded systems/ Digital Signage / Smart Retailing business field. Within Maxt Inc. plentiful solutions portfolio , Maxt Inc. provide her customers the customized embedded system Hardware , the cutting edge Digital Signage Solution and the innovative Web Self-Service Ordering Kiosks solution for Food & Beverage industry. For the Digital Signage solution, Maxtinc not only provide the cutting edge media players but also for the back office remote devices / contents management integration solution. Thanks the latest innovative technologies , Maxt Inc. provide customers start from the valued single display media players to the high end video displays arrays media player, which support up to 16 LCD displays with Full HD content playing for each screen and any angle rotation simultaneously. For the Web Self-Services Ordering solution , Maxtinc provide the integrated Hardware and Software to provide the Food & Beverage retailers the innovative and cost effective solution for daily ordering operation and back-end management system for POS transactions analysis. For further Maxtinc DS products/solution details , please see our website www.maxtinc.com for further references.

Together the team wealth of experience in the electronics and software industries with over 30 years of IT industries experience in the embedded system market. Maxt Inc implement the latest cutting edge technologies and commit to deliver the best-in-class Signage and Smart Retailing Solutions in the world , and through the professional services we provided , Maxt Inc solutions can benefit her customers a better way to deliver the need information communication and significant improvement for retailing industry operation.

Consider the market trend and fulfill customers’ demands, Maxtinc focus on the embedded system and related applications. We initiative and follow the market demands to develop various products/solutions to support customer’s delivery of their own embedded applications. As a leading technology provider, we achieve this by providing superior quality and cost effective solution for our partners around the world.

Maxtinc provides the products, solutions and related services including

Embedded System Hardware / SBC – Single Boards Computing, from Intel entry-level embedded system to high-end Intel Core i embedded system providing for various industry M/B form factors.

Embedded System Hardware / Box PC – Providing overall integration embedded system including Slim Box PC , fan-less design Book size PC , All-in-One Panel PC and Kiosks for various embedded applications such as digital signage, industry automation, transportation, Health Care ,… etc. Our Embedded system can support from Intel entry-level Baytrail processor to high end Intel core i processor.

Digital Signage Solution – Combined the world class signage software and related embedded system as the turnkey solution for amazing digital signage experiences delivery. Our Digital Signage Solution - Web Signage 5 is with plentiful features as following
• It supports all current popular video formats
• It supports all current popular image formats
• It supports up to 30 transition effects
• It supports a variety of streaming media formats (rtsp, http, udp, mms, rtp, etc. ) , can also play video sites such as Youtube
• Support video capture / monitoring (need to install a video capture card , or connect with external streaming server, or connect to the IP network camera via the network )
• Events driven , Interactivity ( via touch screen buttons , command prompt on the keyboard , or control commands for medias playback on the player by networking devices such as NB, mobile , tablet,…etc.)
• Support marquee ( horizontal scrolling, vertical scrolling ) , the text can be entered manually , it can be RSS address
• Support for Flash, PDF, PowerPoint, Word documents playback
• Playback support for HTML page
• It supports playback ( running ) the specified application (32bit or 64bit)
• Supports playback zip archive ( you need to specify the archive entry program )
• A player supports up to 16 screens with FHD resolution playback for each screen
• Player supports multi-screen bezel compensation (video , image , flash, and streaming media)
• Play between the multi-screen when playing video synchronization of each frame for each screen, a plurality of small video you can spell a big video
• When playing video can be synchronized between different players to play every frame.
• Shaped assembly support screen , each screen can have a different angle of rotation , the player automatically adjusts the video or image playback based on the combined screens layout configuration.
• A single stand-alone player can be as the stand alone configuration or connected to the server through the network to become a player as the part of the players networking, for optimized management easily.

Web Self-Services Ordering Kiosk for Food & Beverage Industry – Provide the Food & Beverage Retailers the integrated HW and SW solution , not only include the front end self-service terminal for food & beverage ordering , mobile devices ordering and Mobile Payment system , but also for the back-end management system for further transactions analysis. Our Web Self-Service Ordering Solution is with plentiful solution as following

Support various functions – Take Away , Ordering , Reservation and Queueing.
System support various front end devices – Kiosk, Mobiles, Pad , PC/NB ,…etc.
Support integrated queueing messages display for voices notification for the Take Away , Ordering and Queueing features.
The back-end system support user account privilege management.
Flexible Layout arrangement and system configuration , which deliver proper advertisement and information broadcasting.
Support various peripheral devices configuration option – Payment card reader, Mifare contactless card reader, Bar code scanner , thermal receipt printer.
Support and customized various payment option – card payment , Apple Pay , Google Pay , Samsung Pay and mobile payment ( i.e. Line Pay )
Support Foods ordering notes – like coffee or tea -hot/ice ,sweet , food spicy,…etc.
Support devices power on/off scheduling , remote power on/off , device management…etc.
Support back-end POS transactions analysis.
Support Food court operation or single store operation.
Support 2nd display extend playing features – Advertisement , Queueing messages display,…etc.

Thanks the latest technologies we implemented , Maxtinc can provide the world class hardware / software integrated solution to help customers realize their own embedded applications demands and provide the amazing experiences customers can have , and finally a better way for customers’ business daily operation. 
