Aleees 集團成立於2005年,主要股東有潤泰集團、美國KPCB、美國QVT基金等;同年,由於地球的平均溫度肇因於全球暖化上升至史上最高,而且多起的鋰電池爆炸事件,使得全球回收了超過一千萬顆鋰電池,這些種種問題浮現在生活上,讓Aleees更積極的投入資源在綠能產業的發展。舉例來說,針對環境污染和因應石油枯竭問題,研發團隊投注了七年以上的時間在鋰電池與相關正極材料的發展。在全員齊心並進下,近兩年Aleees的產品市占率躍昇全球第一名。現在,Aleees為您提供兼具安全性、高容量、體積輕薄、使用壽命長、快速充電,以及無污染的電池解決方案,讓您的生活更便利外,還能為環保盡一份心力。
Aleees 之含意
Advanced Lithium Electrochemistry Co., Ltd. was founded in 2005, the same year average global temperatures reached historic highs caused by global warming, and over 10 million lithium batteries were recalled due to several battery explosion accidents. In order to solve the earth pollution and gasoline shortage problems, we have dedicated to cathode material innovation and lithium-ion battery development for over 7 years. Now, our product has high safety, high power, long life and is quick-charging without toxic components. It is going to create a new battery revolution in various applications, such as electri vehicle, power tool, robot, aircraft, standby battery system, medical facility and remote control products.
What is Aleees? (Pronounced as A-Lee)
Aleees is the code of NCO solution, and what we provide are Affordable LFP Empowered Electrical Energy Systems to the world.
- 產業類別:
- 其他
- 主要商品服務:
- Aleees具有最上游的 磷酸鐵鋰(LFP-NCO)動力電池正極材料製造能力,同時整合專利佈局,提供一套涵蓋電池芯及電池模組的能源儲存的整體解決方案。Aleees同時也在2007年7月1日發佈LFP-NCOTEC(LFP NanoCocrystallineOlivine Technology:鋰鐵磷共結晶橄欖石化合物技術)。這是自從1996年首次使用LiFePO4橄欖石化合物在鋰電池正極材料之後,全球第二個同屬鋰鐵磷橄欖石(Lithium Ferrous Phosphate)家族,新一項鋰鐵磷橄欖石化合物被發明,並使用在鋰電池正極材料;Aleees得以從鋰鐵磷動力電池正極材料、電池芯與電池模組的製造生產與專利佈局,為油電混合車、電動車等客戶提供全面的電池解決方案。
Aleees is capable of LFP-NCO material manufacturing, as well as integrated patent portfolio. Therefore, we provide not only high performance batteries, but also a total energy storage solution including cells and battery modules. Aleees announced LFP-NCO(LFP NanoCocrystallineOlivine Technology) on July 1st, 2007. It's a single non-separable compound of Lithium Ferrous Phosphate family. Since LiFePO4 was used to be the first olivine-structure compound for cathode material of lithium-ion phosphate battery in 1996, Aleees’ LFP-NCO is the second outstanding and innovative compound to be used in lithium ferrous phosphate family. Therefore, Aleees can provide all clients the best and total LFP material, cell and pack solutions, and manufacturing and IP advantages to build the best HEV and EV.