[Company Information]
Seagull Scientific is the developer of “BarTender,” a leading software application known around the world for excellence in label printing, bar code generation, and RFID encoding. Our software is used both stand-alone and as an integrated component of large-scale supply chain management solutions based on platforms from SAP, Oracle, Microsoft and others. Founded in 1985, our 80-person software company is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, USA. Our Taipei branch, located in Taiwan, is one of three offices outside of the USA that have actively contributed to our steady long-term growth. Crucial to our success over many years has been the careful evaluation of talent and the recognition and reward of employees for their excellence and hard work.
For more information about life at Seagull Scientific, please read our company profile and history on our web site at”
美國海鷗科技股份有限公司創立於西元1985年,總公司位於美國華盛頓州的西雅圖, 於1987年推出第一個標籤列印軟體;1994年秋季,海鷗科技成功推出BarTender Windows版本,並翻譯完成20多種國際語言,銷售全世界。至今BarTender已成功榮昇「True Windows條碼標籤列印程式」全球領導地位海鷗科技為了拓展全球市場,於1999年成立了第一個國外分公司,據點位於歐洲西班牙馬德里。現在,亞洲區據點,就在臺灣的台北信義區。
- 營業性質:
- 系統整合業者
- 產業類別:
- 系統工具
- 主要商品服務:
- 產業標籤軟體:BarTender
[Label Printing Software]
BarTender is the leading true Windows barcode label software program. This professional label design and bar code software tool has powerful features for demanding labeling applications and integrates with enterprise software. It even supports RFID tags. Yet BarTender is so easy, it gets beginners designing in minutes.