美商瑪氏食品股份有限公司臺灣分公司乃屬於私有的瑪氏企業集團,瑪氏公司成立於 1911 年,距今已有一百年歷史 , 雇用超過六萬五千個員工 ,並在全世界七十一個國家 ,擁有一百三十二個工廠,本公司產品群包括:休閒點心食品,寵物食(用)品,主餐食品、飲料及生物科技相關產品等。
Life is short. Love where you work.
You have wonderful skills and enormous potential. You deserve to work within an organization that celebrates your individuality, provides you with the environment to reach your potential and rewards you with great opportunities, learning, challenges and satisfaction.
You deserve the chance to fly.
Most global companies think of their people as worker bees, there only to make profits for the company. At Mars, each associate is encouraged to take ownership, to have the space to grow and learn, to take risks, enjoy rewards and above all contribute and share in the success of a company that continues to evolve. You will not find a corporate culture as friendly and encouraging as Mars anywhere in the world.
If this ad has made you think about how you could improve your career, then now is the time to act. Read the position descriptions as follows and contact us.
- 營業性質:
- 製造商
- 產業類別:
- 休閒食品、寵物用品
- 主要商品服務:
- 1) 休閒食品:M&M’s 巧克力,Snickers 士力架巧克力,Skittles 綺果果汁脆糖,Combos 冠寶捲心酥 ,星霸水果糖等。
2) 寵物食品:寶路狗食,西莎狗食,思麥高狗點心,偉嘉貓食等。