我們提供專業的企業外包服務, 如此一來,企業能夠節省大量節省人力與成本在場地、設備、系統、人事訓練上,並得到透明、專業、流程化的精緻服務,使企業可以專注於他們的核心事業上的發展;而中小型企業也得以享受與大企業同等級的多方位服務及資源觸角延伸。
Enspyre is a small but growing company where every person gets to give their input and have a chance to grow personally and professionally. Enspyre was founded by professionals from America, Europe and Taiwan and we would like to think we combine the best parts from all cultures. If you like working in a small, tight team with a common goal, Enspyre is for you.
1. 喜好幫助他人- 願意為他人付出,包含同事、客戶、任何人,同樣的也關心這個世界。
Care for others, help others; care for your colleagues, clients, anyone, as well as care for this world.
2. 團結
Teamwork - Be a team.
3. 營利- 公司要賺錢、獲利。
Profitability, make money.
4. 快樂- 營造快樂的環境。
Happiness - create a happy environment.
5. 平等- 不論職務、性別、資歷、種族等任何條件,安石的每個成員都是平等、互相尊重的。
Equal and respect – regardless of genders, races, qualifications, etc.
6. 正面積極- 遇到事情相信總是有方法,且永遠會試圖找出解決方法的態度。
Positive – believe there is always a solution, and will always try to solve the problems.
7. 信任- 相信所有人在任何狀況下出發點都是好的,也都是有潛力更好的。(但並非表示都是正確的)
Trust – believe in people’s potential, and believe in their intentions (but their methods can still be incorrect).
8. 用心盡力的做好每一件事。
Heart – put your heart into the task; strive to do best in everything.
9. 自發- 不管是否為工作責任,都會判斷在有需要的時候自發的處理事情,是必要以及被鼓勵的。
Initiatives – people are encouraged and required to take personal initiative as needed, and use their judgement.
10. 熱忱- 認同且熱愛安石的每一項核心價值。
Passionate for Enspyre’s core values.
- 營業性質:
- 諮詢業者、服務業
- 產業類別:
- 諮詢顧問
- 主要商品服務:
- 提供中小企業商務顧問及專業的企業流程管理與委外服務