昱達空運成立於1998年三月,以全方位服務和人性化的管理模式,讓客戶真正享受到專業、迅速、用心與真誠的高品質服務,因此我們能在業界異軍突起,在業務上更是每年不斷向上攀升在成長同時在市場上也贏得良好的口碑.未來昱達空運依然以全方位的公司服務體系來提供客戶更周全的服務品質與關懷.經過春耕夏耘的辛勤努力,此時之際遇達空運也滿心歡喜的向 您大略介紹,並分享我們的目前成果.
昱達空運衷心感謝客戶能夠給予我們成長的機會,然而我們卻不敢以此驕傲自滿,在空運市場中,『全方位』即『以客為尊』的經營理念是我們一直所要求,昱達也一本競競業業的精神,更加強化本身專業知識的深度與廣度,與 您一同攜手成長,共創美好未來.
- 營業性質:
- 其他
- 產業類別:
- 物流
- 主要商品服務:
- YUH DAR EXPRESS CO., LTD was incorporated in Mar 1998. Today our Company has grown into an established international freight forwarder, offering international air and sea freight forwarding services, consolidations and breakage of custom clearance.
Our major clients range from manufactures of electronics products, computers, wafers, and the main market of jewelry, credit card…ETC. We are currently members of "Taipei Customs Broker's Association" and "The Airfreight Forwarder's Association".
YUH DAR EXPRESS CO., LTD's mission and company vision is striving for excellence in providing our clients and overseas partners with the highest service level possible as to achieve our goal to be total logistics providers in the region.
Our team of professional staffs is trained to handle all shipments, airfreight or door to door, together with our reliable worldwide network of own agents and partners will ensure that all consignments will be monitor from point of collection to final destination. Backed by the up to date computerized in house systems, information to consignees, shippers, and overseas counter-part will be disseminated electronically.
As a testimony to our success, our growth have been at a rates of 20 annually since in operations, sales turn over for the last financial year ending 31/12/2000 was more than ten million Taiwan Dollars. In view of our corporate directions and plan to globalize, we will strive to improve the highest quality service level, non-compromise efficiency through information technologies and forged international alliances to be a global player as a total freight forwarder and logistics provider.