台灣懷霖公司近年來在經濟部工業局主辦的主導性計畫下,由工研院協助研發出全系列航空貨櫃、貨盤、貨網等產品,並通過美國 聯邦航空總署(FAA)驗證,取得設計許可證書 (Letter of Design Approval),不但是國內中小企業踏入航空領域之最 佳典範,更代表多項指標之突破,其中包括:
1. 首度在民航領域第一個取得TSO(Technical Standard Order Authorization)件認證,推出我國第一個航太產品之自我品牌。
2. 首度成為中美雙邊適航安全協定(Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement)之協商載 具,並促成該協定簽立。
3. 國內首度取得美國聯邦航空總署之設計許可證書之廠商
4. 全球10大ULD製造廠中唯一亞洲品牌
Taiwan Fylin Industrial Co., Ltd (TFI) is a leading company in the design and manufacture of Unit Load Devices (ULDs), air cargo containers, pallets and nets. TFI’s research and development team are continuously researching and designing new products that focus on the customers’ specific needs. TFI’s technical team is dedicated to excellent after-sales service worldwide.
TFI was established in 1997 by Hwaguo Electrical Machinery Co., Ltd, a precision metal sheet product and machine enclosure manufacturer, with over 30 years of experience, and Taoyan International Airport Services Co., Ltd, an airport maintenance company with over 15 years of experience. TFI actively participates in major governmental product innovation programs and implements continuous improvements through everyday work practices. TFI has been awarded Technical Standard Order (TSO) by Civil Aeronautics Administration, and International Aviation Certifications by the Federal Aviation Administration.
TFI designs and manufactures high quality aviation products, including air cargo containers (ULDs), Pallets and Nets to be used in aircrafts. All TFI products have received FAA’s Design Approval. The company is now the first and only one in the world who manufactures and supplies the full range of TSO C90c products.
全系列ULD(Unit Load Device)航空貨櫃、貨盤、貨網 設計製造
Taiwan Fylin specializes in the designing and manufacturing of full ranges ULD products including air cargo containers, cargo pallets and pallet nets.
TFI provides repair services at C.K.S airport.
Aviation relative products manufacturing
Various sheet metal designing and manufacturing
- 營業性質:
- 製造商
- 產業類別:
- 各行業專用機械及設備
- 主要商品服務:
- 航空貨櫃.貨盤.貨網.精密機械鈑金.