
資訊工業策進會 / Institute for Information Industry

地址:台北市大安區106和平東路二段106號 9樓


The Institute for Information Industry (III) was established in 1979 as a non-governmental organization, jointly sponsored by the Taiwan government and prominent private enterprises, for the purpose of strengthening the development of the information industry in Taiwan. III utilizes its engineering and management consulting expertise in partnership with Taiwan solution providers to execute ICT projects worldwide. III’s main goals are to promote international collaboration and business as well as bridge the global digital divide.

International Marketing: To increase the number of international opportunities for our domestic vendors, we integrated existing resources to upgrade the vendors' company image through promotional activities, gathering of target market requirements and customer information, development of sales channels and business models and business arrangements between potential international purchasers and Taiwanese vendors.  Market Exploration: For different technologies in specialized fields, we form various consortia and alliances with influential domestic vendors to effectively win business deals. This cannot be done without acquiring accurate business information and persistent communication between partners and customers.

Strategic Partnership: In order to help our group of domestic vendors expand in global markets, we gather together our partners from international distribution channels in Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Thailand), Northern Pacific (Marshall Islands), Africa (Nigeria, Burkina Faso), the Middle East (Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Oman) and the USA. By cooperating with governing organizations and associations, we establish an effective long-term service mechanism that raises the competitiveness and performance level of 



our domestic vendors in products and services, as well as promoting III's R&D solutions.

Please refer to III’s official website for more information: http://web.iii.org.tw/



【Green ICT】
-Distribution Management Systems and Demand Response Platform
-Lighting Fusion Optimization Control System

【ICT Security】
-Intelligent IT Security Assessment System
-Cloud and Data Security
-Crystal Security Keeper (CSK)
-Cloud-threat Intelligent Appliance (CIA)
Demo Video URL: https://youtu.be/meBm_vGjtf4

Facilitate Innovation Integration - INNOnet
Validate Innovative Services - Design Lab
Experience Innovation Living - Living Zone
Accomplishments of Innovative IT Service Cases and Effectiveness of Consulting Services

【Digital Education】
Technology Research and Development
-Future Classroom
-Mobile Learning Application
-Chinese Language Semantic Analysis
-ICT Technology
-Digital Content
-IT- enabled Services

