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漣漪效應 The Ripple Effect|大囍設計


漣漪效應 The Ripple Effect


This case is a new single-story residential building plan. The floor area is 240 square meters.


Initially, we take the advantage of semi-finished houses and strictly match them with the client’s needs. The public space is arranged to provide an interactive, intimate, zero waste space and to make every day a special occasion, as well as three suites, a living room and a game room. A private section with a clear distinction between main areas and other areas, a high level of privacy and perfect living functions.


The precise calculation of proportions to show the harmony of the circle and arc, together with the application of various marble and materials are all important to shape the precious, understated luxurious beauty of it. In particular, the three-dimensional ripple shape starts from the ceiling of the restaurant, through the extremely delicate marking and complex circles, spreading outward to the left side of the main wall in the living room, the ending side behind the dining table, as well as the corner of the bar and the front edge of the corridor. The full curved lines echo each other and the exquisite craftsmanship implies a calm, restrained earth tone that reflects the masters character, emphasizing texture over appearance, while bringing out an indescribable sense of flow and hierarchical changes in the whole house.






The family sharing area is an open L-shaped design, starting with the foyer view that emphasizes aesthetic and functional balance. Turn around and youll have a clear view of the windows and restaurant. The flooring of the entire area is made up of three sizes of tiles, giving full artistry to a single material. The TV wall is made of large warm color stones, and the left side is made of metal grille with leather curved surface, with built-in cabinet for heat dissipation. The back of the dining table is not only hidden in an elegant arc for storage and display, but also integrated with the entrance of the game room.


Regarding to the design of the slanting lines on the styling wall and the dining bar, we not only take into account the hotspot for socializing and ergonomics for sitting, but also provide an exclusive scenery before entering the private area and the kitchen. The living room is warm and inviting. In addition to relaxation, it also serves as space buffer and diverts the flow of the inner entrance. The three master’s and guest bedrooms configuration are a high specifications suite. The color, materials and functions are tailored to the preferences of different users and the composition of every detail provides an all-sensory experience that lasts forever.

