
相生 Mutual generation|雲邑設計

相生 Mutual generation|雲邑設計
遍地流雲 肌理交織 自玄關迤邐開來
一室暖灰打底 映襯地坪宛如瑪瑙剖面的光潤
抬眼厚重實木 黑烤鐵件 與晶亮不鏽鋼對話
是異材質的衝突 亦是現代美學的相生與反芻
The floor is herringbone patterned and sprawls from the entryway.
One room has a warm grey base color, contrasted with the agate-patterned floor,
which gives off an impressionistic vibe.
Raising your eyes, heavy wood planks and dark metal converse with shiny stainless steel enter your view,
modernity and incisiveness blending with simplicity.
It is a clashing of different materials, the mutual generation and rumination of modern aesthetics.

客廳裡大面經鏽蝕處理 並折出精緻角度的鐵牆
尤其是在陽光下 那金屬質地竟意外地有溫度
與深可可色的皮革沙發 厚軟地毯 合力織成一張舒適的網
網裡滿滿都是 關於生活品味的概念與情境輸出
The living room wall has been rust-treated, the corners of the metal wall folded in intricate angles,
revealing a rich chocolaty-caramel color.
Especially under the sunlight, the metal emits warmth.
Along with the dark chocolate leather sofa and plush rug, the trio weave a comfortable net of lifestyle and comfort.

與鐵牆相望 與角度沙發呼應的灰弧介面
流暢的量體形塑隔間 也不失為一道迷人風景線
牆後一轉身 來到情思浩渺的書香逸界
陽光下的地面 散發著百年老木頭鬱鬱清香
嵌入牆裡的書櫃 以俐落的鐵件架構擅場
基礎垂直水平之外 增添或交疊或偏斜的線條變化
Across from the metal wall and angle sofa is the grey curved wall,
its fluid design and compartments creating a beautiful view.
Behind the wall we enter an emotionally vast literary realm.
In the sunlight, the wooden floor gives off the fragrant scent of centennial log.
Embedded bookshelves excel with its graceful metal structure.
Besides basic vertical and horizontal partitions, diagonal and parallel lines are added,
increasing the enjoyment of its users.

相較之下 餐廳反倒是方安靜所在
客製中島銜接長桌 確立饗食聚落核心
高低錯面參差的造型 兼顧把手機能與立面構圖
保留木的天然感 同時揭露精湛作工細節
此情此景 最宜秉燭 把酒 言歡
In comparison, the kitchen is where tranquility lies.
The bespoke kitchen island is connected to the dining table, confirming the center of dining.
To the back is a row of solid, steady wooden high cabinets.
The irregularly-surfaced design also serves as handle and façade composition,
retaining the naturalness of wood while revealing intricate craftsmanship.
Under the sparkling chandelier
the here and now is the best place for candlelight, and conversations over a glass of wine.
