



初期中視資訊科技公司接受大愛電視台之委託連續七年餘,負責整體電視台之主副控、攝影棚、冷空調及電力等整棟播出大樓之工程營運。進而製作空中大學的教學節目,中華電信MOD兩年之新聞及娛樂兩頻道24小時之製播業務。2007初取得經濟部工業局行動台灣WiMAX旗艦建置及移動傳輸應用平台案,開啟台灣無線寬頻網路之先鋒,建置了南北全區的骨幹傳輸。繼而取得NCC推動手持電視DVB-H試播計劃,測試廣播新通路在桃園以北之場測,並與七家內容服務業、兩家國外平台(諾基亞 & 摩托羅拉公司)、三家電信公司、三家手持設備合作測試互動內容。
除了以上數位工程技術之推動建置外,自1999陸續投入全數位化高畫質製播及剪接系統、儲存系統,積極投入媒體視訊內容製作,以因應web2.0的資訊時代,並提昇影音製作之即時性。過去幾年承做廣電基金「詩畫美濃」、新聞局「魔幻今宵」得到worldfest houston金牌獎及魅力台灣文化之美「軋影戲」、花蓮縣政府簡介、退輔會「武陵農場四季景觀高畫質影片」、陽明山國家公園「陽明讀景」多媒體影片等等皆為高畫質拍攝製作,都得到極佳好評的作品。

In 1999, China Television Co., Ltd. launched into digitized and wireless networking operations by setting up CTV Infotech Co., Ltd. The startup began accumulating expertise and nurturing talent in the fields of digital engineering, multimedia production, and media platform management. A decade of hard work has paid off in the form of its steady growth.
Early on, CTV Infotech was entrusted by Da Ai Television to serve as its engineering contractor. For more than seven years, it was fully responsible for the Da Ai building’s main control and sub-control, studio operations, air-conditioning, and power supplies. It then moved on to produce online courses for National Open University and two-year content for Chunghwa Telecom’s two MOD channels--news and entertainment—available 24 hours a day. In early 2007, CTV Infotech was commissioned by the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs to put in place a WiMAX flagship network and a platform for mobile communications applications under its “M-Taiwan” initiative. The backbone stretching from north to south set the stage for wireless broadband communications throughout the island. Next, the National Communications Commission put CTV Infotech in charge of its DVB-H experimental broadcast program meant for the region to the north of Taoyuan. The project also involved seven content providers, two overseas platforms (Nokia and Motorola), three telecommunications operators, and three makers of handheld devices. Even as it scored big on the front of digital engineering, CTV Infotech set out to foster competence for producing, broadcasting, and storing fully digitized high-definition videos from the very beginning. It was keenly aware of the need to have the capacity to create high-quality multimedia works with efficiency and precision so as to stay afloat in the Web 2.0 era. Over the years it has accumulated a long list of widely acclaimed HD works: the Broadcasting Development Foundation’s “Poetic Meinung;” a documentary on shadow plays commissioned by the Government Information Office; an introductory film on the Hualien County Government; a presentation of Wuling Farm commissioned by the Veterans Affairs Commission; and “Scenes on Yangmingshan”—an introductory film on the Yangmingshan National Park. “A Night of Magic—the Lantern Festival in Taiwan” commissioned by the Government Information Office won a golden award at the WorldFest-Houston International Film & Video Festival.
In 2009, CTV Infotech diversified to some new frontiers. In addition to introducing online channel “My Life” aimed at local hospitals, it is ready to act as organizer of New Year’s Eve parties, concerts, and other public relations campaigns. As IPTV increasingly becomes a force to reckon with, it is also keen to undertake cross-sector collaboration in producing copyrighted content for sales both at home and abroad.
As a media company committed to keeping abreast of the latest trends, CTV Infotech will spare no funds in developing top-of-the-line digital technologies to stay on a par with the most progressive counterparts all over the globe. It is set to focus on making more content of creativity and quality and growing more talent for the communications industry. It is serious about staying a leader—in technology, in quality, in creativity.



